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Tuesday, April 16, 2013


It has been almost a month since I have posted.  What a month it has been.

I have visited many venues in looking for performers for certain events that we are putting together as a team.  Keeping in mind that have old age and blonde roots (a dangerous combination)  It is so very difficult to remember all of the venues and the many talented performers I have seen.

There is one that stays in my mind though.  I will not mention names.  But through the course of the conversation regarding performing at an RFL event, he quoted me rather high prices.  There were a couple of things about this, the first being that this was for a fundraiser so I would never pay for a performance.  I think what bothered me most wa that when I commented on the higher prices and stated that some of the biggest performers in sl would not charge that much, I was told that because he performs in rl and with that comes a professionalism that other sl performers do not have.

Many of you know me well enough, to know that this is a community that I love and know so very well, so words like that crawl right under my skin.  I confess that I was not that nice with my response.  I told him that he should get to know the members of the very community here and he will see rl careers that would put him to shame.  I did list a few....after an insult or two from him the conversation was over.  It bothered me throughout the day so I looked deeper.  He is fairly new to singing in sl and his group was less than 30.  I did look at his website and he has done a lot of local kaoke.  I will admit he is talented, and I personally would like to see him grow.  We did talk later that day and apologize  to each other.

I think the reason that it has stayed so much on my mind, for as long as I can remember sl has brought in new performers every single week.  Residents that never performed in Second Life have started performing.  With all of it, every week brings us new talent.  Taking into consideration that we also have performers that have kept us entertained for years.  They worked their way up to where they are, many bring tons of rl experience with them.  Having such wonderful wonderful talent.  I would ask that new sl performers never think that you are any better because you have rl experience.....before you say something like that, take the time and get to know the community you are a now a part of.  Those that were here before you earned every linden that they get....and more.  Take the time and get to know these people.  Just like every other community in the world, there is good and bad.  Yes there are performers that everything they do is for their own agenda.  There are performers that you may like or not like the talent....every one has different tastes.  Overall you are going to find, the most compassionate, giving, and talented community.  A community that I am so proud to be a very small part of.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Still...
    Just a couple comments if i may. I just turned 3 on SL having been singing that whole time. I see both points. but need for validation makes us hungry as pro's.
    My Opinion? Volunteering as a professional (no matter what you are pro at) is just a good thing to do. Great example of sharing this planet with those who may not be on the upncoming as we may be. I firmly believe as i "climb" a stair I turn back, and reach for a hand that is struggling BUT TRYING.
    FACT FOR ME: I do appreciate getting validation through payments. In my case I am completely Professional. Having toured, lead of an agent booked band, spent years training with some of the top Maestro's. I still go to one that cost me $200 month. So, in my case, I would appreciate those lindens. WITH THAT SAID, as a pro, I know when to charge and when not to. EXAMPLE? SURE! LOL If I change the type of singing i do or the setting...You basically have to start ALL OVER...and as we say in the industry work for muffins (which just means you work for the free food and drinks-LOL) and then you build or REBUILD your reputation. The RL music industry is just like that too... I have been with the same agent as Lead singer of iCANDi and got paid $25 US dollars for 3 hours of music. And in the same band, same agent, my band would make almost $4,000 US dollars for playing two nights=8 hours of stage time 8 dress changes for ME, and No food and NO drink WHATSOEVER! LOL...thats why they say too.....FOR REAL YALL...DONT QUIT YOUR DAY JOB!
    With so much love i share this because when you are helping to heal someone that isnt right....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE for my sake and other hardworking singers in rl, do not call yourself professional if you basically charge the person that you are singing to that you are figuratively holding in your arms and stroking them with love and lets say 2k or 3k and hour.......just NOT what we truly call PROFESSIONAL....
    I just want to say that once you have been in this a while in rl...the glamour wears off...and then the true performing artist is born. For me, I believe that GOD THROUGH ME IS A SINGER...even though I am not highly religous. Share your gift at times for those who need it most. and keep your PRO life in PRO life...there is truly very few PRO SL STARS...
    in Love and Light,
    iCandy Overland
    Oh and I support art of all kinds with my charity organization in rl:
