Can you believe half the year is over???? Wow the older I get the faster time flies by.
On the 1st I was able to get out and visit some venues. I started out
Live Music, my first time there and it is owned by the talented and truly entertaining KevinMThomas Carpool. When I went there it was because I saw Kevin and Mike00 Carnell dualing. It is fun just listening to them.
Mike Carnell and KevinMThomas at Live Music 0701201 |
From there I went to a favorite that I had not been to in a quite a while...
.Kickinhttp://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife//171/184/24!!!! I got to see Premium Composer. Premium always does a great show that makes you leave your chair, get up and dance. There is such a fun group of people at
Premium Composer at Kickin 07012016 | |
On the 2nd I was able to get out again. I headed over to
Endeavor Cove to see one of my favorites, I consider her a good friend in sl and hope to see her at a jam soon in the future.......Eliz Wantanbe. Eliz put on a great 4th of July show leaving me blown away with some of her patriotic renditions. Oh an with all the clothing you see for the holiday....I love the dress she wore.
Eliz at Endeavor Cove 07022016 | | |
From there I whisked off to see BigTex at
Inspiration Music Venue and Art Gallery
BigTex at Inspiration Music Venue and Art Gallery 07022016 |
I had wanted to get this out to out to you over a week ago, but I had my own big bang. Most of you know that I closed my venue from events due to health issues that almost sent me into a coma. Shortly after that I learned my body had created its own shunt was causing meds to bypass the failing organ. At the time it was not that large and when I recognized it would just double or triple my meds. Well that standard MRI that always left me as status quo, did not leave me with status quo. I never made it home from the dr office I was admitted to the hospital from the office. I guess that shunt had gotten rather large, which explained why I had to keep doubling and tripling meds, add into that some clots that were causing blockages in a couple major veins. Kind of funny to me as I have little to no platelets but it still happened and that was scary. What they did do after a couple of days of deliberating was decide to put in a shunt, close off the one that my body made. At the same time they were able to push the clots kind of far so they weren't causing the blockages. very hesitant about putting me on any kind of blood thinners, afraid it would cause internal bleeding so they will be monitoring very closely. Finally got home last night and am off the pain killers, but with all the blood draws, the transfusions, and the iv's my arms do resemble a junkie's. If all works as it should I won't have to double and triple my meds who knows maybe even reopen the venue one day. The dr that performed this as well as my oncologist both have said that they believe I could go back on the organ transplant list, though I am still far from needing it, they commented that this procedure can make the organ go from bad to worse much faster. Though I can not complain, I have beaten every odd they gave me. I do have to admit that over a week in the hospital is way too much
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