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Friday, June 8, 2012


I have to be honest with myself and you, all the excuses in the world get a bit it is just becoming a tradition that i can not keep up with this as much as i would like.  So much has happened since I last wrote, this will most likely turn into a number of blogs as I attempt to bring you up to date.

While I am writing this I am also attending a Fashion Show put together for RFL of SL by some of SL MUSIC RACES FOR A CURE team members, Marieli Uriza & Rebeca Avila   .  I have to admit they built an absolutely beautiful stage.  I am amazed by the clothes, so many times we think Italian when we think fashion designers, but there are some extremely talented Spanish designers here.....hmmmm I may have to venture out of my comfort zones once again; which I love doing, and find new locations.  I am truly a shopaholic.

Oh my goodness, I remained at the fashion show to hear the special musical surprise. Horus Cedrus is a pianist unlike any others.  There is not enough words to describe the powers and emotions that his playing provokes.  If you have not heard him, it does not matter that he speaks in a Spanish and any Spanish I knew has been so long ago that I have forgotten most of it....Music is universal--no language barriers...Anytime you see him in events, run to one of his shows.  If not (small shameless plug here)---I will be moving mountains to get him to BS's.  

Back to when I last wrote.  Since then I had the opportunity to attend the Nashville jam.  I felt like I had just found the best venue in the world.  The performers that I have come to know and love in Second Life, they became real people with real faces behind the avi's and even nicer and more fun in real life.  It is easy to be come addicted to attending jams.  Now I understand Gwampa and Max's desire to never miss one.  After 3 weeks of pulling teeth I was able to accomplish a couple of things.  The local Relay For Life person was sooo very kind and brought me a sign showing the Bronze level of the team in real life fundraising.  That sign accompanied me to Nashville and each of the venues that streamed in the jam also had kiosks up all around.

Another thing came up that along with the sign, I had to find out.  A couple of performers and a manager had asked very direct questions.  Most of you know me well enough to know that I prefer having creditability behind my words. So rather than the wrong answer or no answer, I attempted to find out the answer...giggles no easy task.  But I did finally get the answer, to many it may not be important but to some it is, donation of lindens to a kiosk--one can receive a receipt.  I am hoping this answer will help to ease the minds of the performers and manager that asked and also anyone else that wondered.  If it is something, you would like to receive, please let me know and I will point you in the right direction to receive this.  I, myself, always a big believer in utilizing receipts for tax purposes, will be requesting the same....laughing thinking of how much poured into should be a good receipt.  I will keep everyone updated on how it works.

After Nashville, the team had a slower week which was good, it gave me a chance to strip the sim and get it ready for the MusicFest weekend.....smiles. See you in the next entry to tell you about that one.  It was fantastic.

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