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Wednesday, July 25, 2012


My undoing came at the start of Relay weekend.  At the opening ceremonies when they announced the winner of the New Team Participation Award and it was SL Music Races For A Cure.  I could barely see through the tears to let the team know they won.  I have had watched how hard so many have worked and how very much they deserve this award.

So now I am stuck with finding the words to say thank you.  How do you ever thank 177 team members, 190 more people in the music community, artists, clothing designers, 37 different events, for the time, the dedication, the emotions?  Over $16,000 USD raised to make a difference.

I do not have enough room to list everyone and I would be remiss in naming some and not naming others.  On that note, there are a couple of people that I have developed an admiration, respect, and even love for.  Liz Harley, this is the most amazing woman.  If there is something that needs to be done, she is the first to volunteer and whats more than she handles it from the ground up and makes it into an fantastic event.  Precious Rallier, a woman that attended every single event she could and even donned a modeling career all to help with RFL.  Precious was the queen of understanding the infamous raffle scripts so she often helped other teams to work through and set up their raffles. Syd Baddingham, the genius behind the performer clothing auction.  These three very talented women were our co-captains for the 2012 year. 

It would be impossible for me to list every single person in here. 

In the past I have done many things in rl...formed grass roots organizations, participated in numerous non profit organizations, held officer positions on boards, locally, state and nationally....yet in all I have done, no group of people has had the affect on me that these 177 team members and 190 additional volunteers have had.  There are truly not enough words to ever express my gratitude.  I have always known that the hearts in the music community were some of the largest I have ever had the opportunity to know.....thank you for allowing me to experience it first hand.

 On the team or not on the team.....I have seen all the notices of all the  performances done.....such an amazing, giving, inspirational community.   The best I can possibly do is say thank you to the entire musical community. I love this entire community.

I am looking so forward to next year.....this amazing group has already been giving ideas for next year....the roster is already being formed,  most are returning and 5 mind you 5 co-captains!!!!!!!  Welcoming so many that watched us this past year and are joining us next year.  MUSIC MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND......MUSIC MAKES A DIFFERENCE!!!!!!

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