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Friday, August 7, 2015


After taking a day or two off of venue hopping---one of which turned into the reminder of why I had to close BS's, never a dull moment.  Yet I realized how very lucky I am....all three kids were calling checking up on me ready to jump in a car. I was ready to go again.So off I went on the 4th trying to get back into it.....I headed over to Starport Omega to see the one and only Ang!  This is one very talented man.  I listened until I had to log out, so much for bouncing right back.

Ang at Starport Omega 080415
On the the 5th I was doing much better and answered Kat Vargas's call to hear a new singing sensation at DockSide ClubThe Dockside Club Village is a really cool venue and as I was talking with the owner Jana Rookswood she was telling about the different venues she has there.  It was there that I saw Bi-Polar perform....and what a great duo they are
Bi Polar at Dock Side Club 080515
I then went on to see a couple of Jorr's performers....I couldn't resist....everyone have seen so far has been exceptional First I went to Oakshire's and watched Gibson..another amazing performer!
Gibson at Oakshire's 080515
Then back to what is quickly becoming a favorite venue Club Zydeco to see Hogman.  Gee I wonder how often I can say amazing to describe performers.
Hogman at Club Zydeco 080515  
I had to call it a day.  One thing that has not changed since I started sl is the amount of incredibly talented people.  Many we have lost to rl and some sadly, quite a few to passing away, at the same time I seeing more and more performers in sl, extremely talented people.

I have FINALLY caught up.....I never want to get that far behind again.

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