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Saturday, June 4, 2016


What a prom and after party it was.  Lots of entries for both the 2016 Prom Queen and 2016 Prom King.  The Prom started at 11AM with the very talented Phil Setner kicking it off and ended at 5PM with the amazing Eliz Wantanabe announcing the 2016 Prom Queen and King.  Picturesque Studios was on hand with a brilliant back drop for both couples and individuals.  Hogman then kicked off the after party at 5PM at BS's live music venue and one performer after another ended at 10PM with Max Kleene closing the 2016 Prom and After party.  What a day it was and so many of you were there from open to end.

Now drum roll please........................................................


Bree Birke & Woodstock Burleigh

Woody and Bree at the Prom 052816
Our King and Queen Woody and Bree

2016 Prom Queen Bree Birke

Each received a crown 1000L and a gift certificate (Hoorenbeck for Woody, Wild Orchid for Bree) and Bree also received a bouquet of roses.

Aleykat at the Prom 052816

Aleykat at the Prom 052816
Christopher Quan at the Prom 052816
Christopher Quan at the Prom 052816

Cryptic Harmony at the Prom afterparty  052816

Eliz Wantanbe at the Prom 052816

Eliz Wantanbe at the Prom 052816
Hogman at the Prom afterparty  052816

Phil Setner at the Prom 052816

Phil Setner at the Prom 052816
Alessia and Phil Setner

Anicka and Guus

 James and Arianna v2

 James and Arianna

Josh and ChelleBee

Karrie and Mark

Kikki Rattler

 Savannah and Chris

Savannah Rain at the Prom 052816
Savannah Rain at the Prom 052816

Toxie at the Prom 052816

Toxie at the Prom 052816

Collin Martin at the Prom afterparty  052816

Cryptic Harmony at the Prom afterparty  052816

Still and DennyMac at the prom after party

Max at the Prom afterparty  052816
A very special thank you goes out to the following performers and photographer. Without each of you, the Prom and After Party would not have been as successful as it was.
Phil Setner, Toxie (Toxic Darkmatter), Savannah Rain, Aleykat, Eliz Wantanabe, Hogman, DennyMac, Cryptic Harmony, Collin Martin, Max Kleene, and Åndi Goldfarb- Åndreω (andi.dunner).

Hmmm wonder what next year's theme will be.  I have a whole year for those wheel to spin to make the 4th annual prom even bigger and better.

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